High School Mission Trip

We are blessed at Temple Baptist Church to have solid partnerships with church plants all over North America.  We use these partnerships to take students who have completed 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grades to amazing places like Los Angeles, Calgary, Chicago, Puerto Rico, Boston and more!  High School students get to be a part of spreading the gospel in these different contexts and through a variety of methods to help church plants reach the communities around them.  Because of our ongoing partnerships with these church plants, our students get to see how their efforts help these growing churches long term as they continue to hear stories throughout the years from the places they serve and people they've partnered with.  Many of our students go on to serve with the North American Mission Board in these SEND cities for whole summers as college students.  High School students truly get to see what lifestyle missions is really all about.

High School Mission Trip 2025 is hopefully to Boston!
Who can go?
 Students who are currently in 9th-12th grades need to get signed up to come with us!
When are we going?  We're going June 14-20, 2025
Where are we going?  We'll be working with several different North American Mission Board church planters in the greater Boston area.
Where will we stay?  more info soon
What are we going to do?  Our large group of students will be placed in teams of 10-12 people as they work with church planters to engage their neighborhoods with the gospel.
How will we travel?  We will fly out of Dallas to Boston.  We'll take a charter bus over to Dallas then jump on a plane to Boston.  Once we're in Boston, we'll travel in rented vans to our church plant locations as we serve.
What do we bring?  Check out the High School Mission Trip Packing List
How much will it cost?  more info soon!  Don't forget about our Chicken Dinner Fund Raiser that can help with the cost of this trip!
Are there any training meetings?  Yes!  more info soon