Junior High Mission Trip

Students who have completed 6th, 7th, or 8th grade have the opportunity to lead, serve, and use their gifts and talents.  They find out through a wide variety of projects how their God given gifts can be used to serve people and reach people with the gospel.  We've built decks, done Back Yard Bible Clubs, served the homeless, worked at food pantries, painted houses, and so much more!  Our students develop leadership skills as they serve through these projects, but also through serving one another.  

Junior High Mission Trip 2024 will be July 8-12 with Generate Camps in Marshall, Texas!

Where are we going?  We're going to the campus of East Texas Baptist University where we will be working through the SERVE option of Generate Camps.

What will we be doing?  We will be working through a wide variety of service projects from 10am to 3pm every day.  These services projects could include light construction, Back Yard Bible clubs, food pantries, painting, cleaning, sorting, yard work, outreach ministry with a local church and much more!  Then, each evening we will participate in our own small group Bible studies followed by worship with lots of friends from all over the nation!

Where are we staying?  We'll be staying in the dorms of East Texas Baptist University.  Our breakfast and supper will also be on campus, but lunch will be provided on the service project sites each day.

How will we get there?  We'll take our church people movers and several rented vans so that we can travel to our service projects in small groups.  We will be in groups of 10-12 as we go out to serve on different sites.

What do I bring?  Check out the Junior High Mission Trip Packing List

How much does it cost?  The cost is $340.  This covers your travel, lodging, meals in Marshall, t-shirt, and all the wonderful Generate leadership!  The only thing you'll have to pay for is any extra snacks during the week or as we travel.  Don't forget to take advantage of the opportunity to sell Chicken Dinner tickets!  Each ticket you sell takes $10 off your trip.  Tickets and more info are available through the youth ministry office.

When do we leave and come back?  We will leave at noon on July 8th and return around noon on July 12th.

When is the parent meeting?  We'll talk through the week's schedule, travel info, and hand out the Parent Packets right after church on July 7th.

What forms do I need?  The Temple Medical Release Form needs to be filled out and turned in to the youth ministry office.  The Generate Waiver and Release Form needs to be notarized and turned in.